When two brothers meet midway, each bearing a gift for the other, love fills their hearts. Israeli author and Israel Prize laureate Dvora Omer has adapted this well-known tale about fraternity for young children. Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!" (Psalms 133:2) The father in this story suggests that his sons divide his field between them, however, the brothers understand that it is nicer to spend time with one another and work together, rather than to be alone each on their own plot of land. Each brother is considerate of the other, wanting the best for his sibling, and without ever being asked to do so, gives up his share so that his brother would have more. Each brother's concern for the other expresses the great affection they share, and demonstrates the power of brotherly love. Enjoy reading and discussing this book together!
Age Group: Preschool (4-6)
Different written versions of this story appear in Jewish and Arab texts since the early 19th century. One of the first ones can be found in the Jewish storybook Maase Nissim published in Baghdad in 1890. This tale is part of many traditions and stories about why Jerusalem was chosen as the site of the Temple, expressing the desire that his city and its holy site be a place of peace, unity, and fraternity.
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Tashap 2019-2020