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The Treasure

Who among us has never dreamed of discovering a treasure? We usually imagine that treasures are hidden far, far away from us. However, as Yitzhak discovered in his journey to the big city, sometimes a treasure exists very close to us, just waiting for us to discover it within our own home. "You worked hard and you found it – Believe" (Yaga’ta U’matzata – Ta’amin) Rabbi Yitzhak said: “If a person will say to you, ‘I wore myself out and I didn’t find it' – don’t believe him; If he says 'I didn’t wear myself out and I found it' – don’t believe him. Yet if he says 'I wore myself out and I found it' – believe.”) (Megila, 6,2). “The Treasure” is a story about dreams and journeys. Yitzhak dreams the same dream three times, but only on the third time does he really listen to what the dream says, and sets off on a long journey in search of the treasure. Sometimes when we listen to our dreams and leave the place that is comfortable and familiar to us, we can discover new things, and find treasures both near and far.

Age Group: Preschool (3-5)

Book-Related Family Activities

The Hassidic Story – A Lesson About Life

“The Treasure” is a well-known Hassidic story. It has many versions. In the world of the Hassidim stories hold great significance and meaning. Through them the Hassidic philosophy and world view are passed on, alongside morals and values. The importance of the story in the Hassidic world is based on the assumption that through stories a person can better himself and even improve the world.
Often the rebbe told his followers stories and fables that were intended to cause them to think about life from a different point of view. In the story before us we learn that every person has a kind of treasure that is very close to him – perhaps even within him. But in order to discover it, we must sometimes make a long journey.

Book-Related Video

Copies Distributed:

120,000 | 60,000



Year of Distribution:

Tashav 2015-2016, Tashab 2011-2012