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The Giant is Cooking Soup

By: Nati Bait Illustrations: Itay Havkin

How can mistakes be corrected? Mishaps can happen, and plans often require adjusting. By learning to view difficulties or errors as challenges, we may discover surprisingly successful solutions. In this book, one correction follows another, and turns a small pot of salty soup into one big delicious meal.

Age Group: Preschool (3-5)

If you believe breaking is possible, believe fixing is possible” (Rabbi Nachman of Breslau)

The principle of Tikkun (fixing or correcting) is a fundamental one in Judaism. The process undergone by the soup in this book reminds us of our own life experiences. Who hasn’t poured too much milk into their bowl of cereal, or added too much salt to a salad? Of course, mistakes happen outside the kitchen too. Both children and grownups err in many areas, and throughout life we must cope with our, as well as others’, mistakes. The above quote by Rabbi Nachman of Breslau highlights the importance of being just as convinced of our ability to fix, as we are of our ability to break – we should always try to make our mistakes into advantages, and our errors into successes. The key to doing so is believing that it is possible.


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Tashach 2017-2018