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By: Matt Carr Illustrations: Matt Carr

When Pat the Bat (in Hebrew they named him Jeff, to rhyme with the Hebrew word for bat – atalef) tries to feel special like the superheroes he loves so much, his fellow bats tell him he is no different, he is "the same as everyone else". But upon hearing a cry for help, Pat courageously flies over to lend a hand, proving that he truly is a unique hero.   "Only a single man was created" (Sanhedrin 4:5)  

Age Group: Preschool (4-6)

The Mishna tells us that nowhere in the world can we find two people who are exactly alike – in looks, character, capabilities or skills. Much like Pat the Bat, humans – be they children or adults – seek to identify the unique gift they had been given, and discover the contribution they alone can make to their families, friends, and indeed the entire world.

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כנרת זמורה

Year of Distribution:

Tashat 2018-2019