Family Activities
The lyrics and illustrations in the book mention various Passover symbols. Can your child find the Four Cups, a Matzah, a Passover Haggadah, nuts, and new clothes?
Do you know the tune of this song? You can find it here. What other Passover and springrelated songs do you know? You may want to create an illustrated book of your own together, featuring well-loved Passover songs, from which to sing holiday songs on Seder Night.
The little girl in the book shares the Passover experience with her dolls, and teaches them how Seder Night is conducted. You could also have a Seder Night with your children and their toys, it is a wonderful fun way of getting ready for the holiday.
Passover is the Festival of Spring – a great time to go outdoors and enjoy nature! Where do you like to take trips, and what do you see on your way? Like the little girl in the book, you may like to look for flowers along the way and, if it is permitted, pick them and make a scented bouquet at home.
The book pictorially depicts the festive Passover atmosphere: festive clothes, guests, special food, and family customs. How do you celebrate Passover? You may want to include your child in the preparations for the holiday, as well as Seder Night itself. You could assign them age-appropriate roles, such as helping you tidy up and set the table, sing holiday songs, ask the Four Questions, and of course, look for the afikoman!
Which experiences do you recall from Seder Night as a child? Young children love hearing stories of the past. You may want to share pictures, stories, possibly funny anecdotes of Seder night when you were kids, thereby continuing to strengthen the generation chain of your own family’s unique Passovers. Enjoy reading and discussing the story!