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Pumpkin the Kitten

By: Jonathan Yavin Illustrations: Gilad Soffer

The boy in this book does not like cats. He thinks he knows everything there is to know about them – that they yowl at night, are often unpredictable, and sometimes even scratch. It is only when he meets Pumpkin the Kitten that he realizes a close encounter and corrective experience can make one change their mind, and make a new friend.   Experience is the best teacher

Age Group: Preschool (3-5)

“All dogs bite!”

“I hate broccoli!”

“Rabbits are scary!”

We often form opinions based on a generalization, rumor, or single encounter. But are we always right to do so? Sometimes, one unfortunate incident makes us reject new experiences, new friends, or new opportunities to broaden our horizons. It takes courage to change one’s mind, be open and positive.

Pumpkin the Kitten managed to change an entire family’s mind, and meeting him reminds us of all we stand to gain by giving second chances. Has your child ever changed his or her mind about something? If so, kudos to them!

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עם עובד

Year of Distribution:

Tashat 2018-2019