When Oren’s mother brings a turtle to kindergarten, all the children want to take care of it. They build it a shelter, give it food, and even bring it some toys! At the end of the visit, the turtle leaves kindergarten, and returns to its natural habitat. This is a story about reaching out, connecting, and parting.
Age Group: Daycare (2-3)
צער בעלי חיים – Animal Cruelty and Compassion
What do we do when we see animals in nature? How do we learn to keep them safe, and care for them?
The meaning of the Hebrew phrase “צער בעלי חיים” is that one must not harm animals, or cause them unnecessary suffering.
Turtles are not household pets, they are protected animals that belong in nature. This book encourages us to go outside, explore, and discover the wonders of our surroundings. Just like Oren and his father, you and your child can also go to the woods, the park, or even your neighborhood, and look for branches, pinecones, pretty pebbles, and small animals. If you’re lucky, you may even see a turtle! Just do not forget to leave it in its natural habitat!
Oren’s Turtle is the last book on the SPLK list for this year. We hope you have enjoyed the books, and wish you a wonderful summer, and good luck on your transition to your new kindergarten.
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Tashat 2018-2019