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Once I Knocked Down Three Giants

By: Edna Kremer Illustrations: Aviel Basil

Short poems from an imaginative child's perspective: once he knocked down three giants; another time he "gobbled up" pizza the size of a room; or carried his parents on his shoulders when they were too tired to hike up a mountain; and proceeded to fly to kindergarten on a white cloud.

Age Group: Preschool (3-5)

Imagination and Humor
Imagination and humor help children break the boundaries and constraints of everyday time and space. Spaghetti becomes jump rope, a child can carry his exhausted parents on his shoulders, and a whale may be ridden out to sea!
Wouldn’t you want to have a secret room inside your house? Or unlimited strength and bravery to knock down three giants? Our imagination allows us to be swept off to a place of power, control, and liberty; where the difficult becomes easy, the impossible – realistic, and the sky’s the limit.

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הקיבוץ המאוחד

Year of Distribution:

Tashaz 2016-2017