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Mr. Zuta and the Apple Tree

By: Orit Raz Illustrations: Ora Ayal

Mr. Zuta did not take care of the apple tree growing in his garden, and, in the absence of such efforts on his part, the tree wilted, and its fruit turned sour. The decision to plant flower and vegetable patches around the tree, and the associated perseverance and dedication required, bore surprising fruit, delighting both Mr. Zuta and his friends.

Age Group: Preschool (4-6)

“To work at it and safeguard it” (Genesis 2:15)


Jewish tradition attributes great importance to agriculture and land, the work associated with it, and the safeguarding of it. The first to have been charged with this important task was Adam. Back in the Garden of Eden, he was instructed “to work at it and safeguard it” – charging him with the responsibility to take care of the world around him, and cultivate it.

Mr. Zuta and his friends, the dwarves, work their land, and cultivate it joyfully. All of us, at all ages, can also take care of the world we have been given, and look after our surroundings.

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הקיבוץ המאוחד

Year of Distribution:

Tashat 2018-2019