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Let Me Tell You a Story

By: Shahar Sitner Illustrations: Asia Eisenstein

Age Group: Second Grade

Shahar turns every event in her life into a fascinating story. She is delighted when her friends listen, but struggles to understand why they suddenly get annoyed. So what if she said “shark” instead of “fish”? she only wanted to make her story more interesting! Herzl the security guard listens to Shahar’s stories and struggles alike, and helps her come up with a creative solution. Like Shahar, every child needs an adult who will listen to them, a grownup who will understand what they mean, and help them tell their story.
“The child is a foreigner who does not understand the language… who is ignorant of the laws and customs… Wanted – a guide to answer questions politely. Respect the ignorance of the child… Respect for failures and tears” [Janusz Korczak, The Child’s Right to Respect, pp. 365-366. Ghetto Fighters’ House Museum]

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Year of Distribution:

Tashpad 2023-2024