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By: Ruthi Keenan Illustrations: Ora Ayal

Where did all the colorful kisses go? Last night Mommy gave her daughter dozens of warm, loving kisses. Where have they gone? A heartwarming story about a mother and daughter searching for lost kisses, and discovering a treasury of love.

Age Group: Daycare (2-3)

Book-Related Family Activities

“[When] a man […] lights one candle with another, the former candle burns while the latter loses nothing” (Bamidbar Rabba, 13)


What do you do with a kiss? Give it or get it? Both!

Kisses are a form of expressing feelings – love, intimacy, warmth. When we shower someone with love, we do not end up with less love, but rather gain more of it. When we make another person happy, we too are happier.


Childrearing is founded on love, warmth, and security. More than any other gift, parents can give their children love – a love that connects parents to children in “thin, strong ties”.

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ר. סירקיס

Year of Distribution:

Tashaz 2016-2017