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This is How We Plant a Seedling

By: Editing: Neri Aluma Illustrations: Illustrated by Adi Elkin, Graphics production: Avner Galili

Tu Bishvat is the festival of trees and planters. Tu Bishvat is also the festival that connects us to nature and the environment, to the Land of Israel, and to planting trees, as the verse states:  

Age Group: Daycare (2-3)

And when you come into the land and you shall plant all kinds of tree for food.

[Leviticus 19:23]

The toddlers who plant a seedling are active participants in the celebrations, and reading this book helps them prepare for the holiday and in describing the experiences and memories of Tu B’Shvat celebrations.

Happy flourishing and blooming Tu Bishvat!

Book-Related Video

פעילות מוסיקלית בגן הילדים מתוך פרוייקט חגים,ב”הופ ילדות ישראלית” – ככה שותלים שתיל. מילים : לאה נאור. לחן: מתי כספי

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