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Journey to Age Four

By: Uri Orlev Illustrations: Ora Ayal

Maya really wants to be four years old already! This book’s poetic depiction of her developmental passage invites us as well, the readers, to ponder the ways in which we grow and to consider the connection between maturityand actions.

Age Group: Preschool (3-5)

“Shehechiyanuve’keeyimanu…” (Who has kept us alive, and sustained us, and brought us to this time… – traditional Hebrew blessing)

In our lives, there are “ordinary” days, and then there are special days – days that mark a major transition, a first experience, or recurring events such as holidays.

Jewish tradition has a special blessing for new experiences and milestones in the circle of life. The Shehechiyanublessing, recited over any new fruit or new item of clothing, as well as at special times throughout the year, symbolizes the joy and gratitude we feel for the privilege of celebrating and experiencing these events.

For young children, every birthday is an important milestone on their way to earning the title of “Big Kid.” The story shows us how, alongside physical growth, the newly-attained age brings with it both more mature actions and changes from within.

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Tashah 2014-2015