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Itamar Meets a Rabbit

By: David Grossman Illustrations: Ora Ayal

In the world of children, imagination and reality are intertwined. imagination enhances fear of the unknown, as sometimes happens at the beginning of a new schoolyear, when we meet new friends or start attending a new kindergarten. It happened to Itamar, the main character in this story, too. Author David Grossman believes that when parents read a story to their children, it is a magical time that creates a safe bubble: "It's where a new reality opens up, and magic happens. During most hours of the day, each of us is wrapped up in their own world, but now, together with our child, we are invited into a world that is neither 'the parent's only' nor 'the child's only', one where we can both be together" David Grossman, In the Story Bubble, Yedioth Ahronoth, June 2012. In this shared, safe story bubble, the parent and child are given the opportunity to encounter both the familiar and unknown together, deepening the bond between them.

Age Group: Preschool (4-6)

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