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If Only

By: Yoram Taharlev Illustrations: Orit Bergman

Age Group: Preschool (3-5)

The kangaroo cub in this book is peeping out from his mother’s pouch, and comparing her to other mothers and fathers. Going out into the world is part of the development process that young children go through: they slowly look out beyond their immediate circle, examine new phenomena, and compare themselves to others. It is human nature to compare and focus on what we are missing: both children and adults often find that the grass seems greener on the other side. But is it?
The Mishna sages summed this notion up as follows:

Who is rich? He who is happy with his lot
[Ethics of the Fathers, 4:1]

How can we find joy in our lives? If Only suggests that we smile, be hopeful and optimistic, for we alone can choose our outlook and the way we view ourselves.

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לא תצליחו להפסיק לחרוז! ראיון בלעדי ומתוק להפליא עם יורם טהרלב בעקבות ספרו: “לוּ רק”, גם אתם תתמכרו!

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