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How about Changing Places?

By: Dafna Strum Illustrations: Jenny Meilihove

The main character in this story is happy right where he is. He is not inclined to change places with the cow, goldfish or bee; he even passes up the opportunity to be a dragon for a day, because he likes being in kindergarten, and his heart is full of joy.   "Rejoice, Young Man, in your childhood" (Ecclesiastes 11:9)

Age Group: Preschool (3-5)

Are we happy where we are? We may think, sometimes, that we would like to change places with others, and be where the grass seems greener. This verse from Ecclesiastes underscores the beauty of childhood and youth, and recommends we rejoice in and enjoy them.

This book encourages parents and children to have an open discussion, and seek satisfaction and joy right where we are.

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Tashat 2018-2019