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Book of the month

The Boy with Flowers in His Hair

By: Peter Jarvis Illustrations: Peter Jarvis

David is a boy with flowers in his hair. One day, the leaves on his head start to fall off. His friend tries to put the flowers back on his head and the smile back on his face. With thoughtful, gentle words and pictures, the author presents a story about individuality, sensitivity, and abiding friendship.


Age Group: First Grade

David has flowers instead of hair. Everybody loves him, especially his best friend, but one day he notices that David is different. When his flowers fall off his head, he seems “spiky and brittle”, and everyone stays away, except his best friend, who stays close, and tries to help. His best friend inspires others to help too, and together, they teach us about the power of true friendship, and caring eyes that look upon others kindly.
(A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity. Proverbs 17:17)

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Year of Distribution:

Tashpah 2024-2025