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Grandpa Made Soup

By: By NiraHarel Illustrations: Ofra Amit

Like the grandfather in this story, we tooenjoy hosting our friends and relatives when they visit us; it’s also fun to visit them and be their guests. When we are the guests, we receive special attention; and when we host others, we are provided the opportunity to honor our guests and share what we have with them.


Age Group: Preschool (3-5)

The Torah tells us of our forefather Abraham, who saw three men walking toward his tent. Abraham ran toward the strangers, invited them in and prepared a special meal for them: “Let a little water be brought; bathe your feet and recline under the tree. And let me fetch a morsel of bread that you may refresh yourselves; then go on …” (Genesis 18:4-5)

From that day forward, Abraham has served as a model for welcoming others into our homes.

“A Person’s Giving Eases His Way”(Matan Adam Yarchiv Lo)

When Grandpa’s guests show up at his doorstep, he is happy to greet them and share the meal he has prepared. His heart swells with each bowl of soup he serves: “A person’s giving eases his way” (Proverbs 18:16). This verse teaches us that there is value and purpose in giving, not merely for the receiver but for the giver as well. Though it might seem as if the act of giving takes something away from us, in truth, it expands our hearts and rewards the one who gives.

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