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The Tree of Stars

By: Leib Morgantheu Illustrations: Naama Benziman

In Saba’s courtyard there is a tree that doesn’t bear fruit… it bears stars! Even though Saba isn’t able to sell the stars, he isn’t sad, because “he gets to keep the treasure and everyone else gets to keep their money.” A magical poem about a grandfather and a child, about imagination, joy, and precious treasures that can’t be bought with money.


Age Group: Preschool (4-6)

Have you ever seen a star grow on a tree? The grandfather in this story grows a magical tree in his yard that produces stars. When he goes to town to sell them, no one is interested in buying any, and some even mock him. Yet he returns home happily, carrying all his stars.
In this magical, imaginative story, readers learn about the balance between the material and spiritual from a child’s perspective. They discover that there are very real treasures and valuable things in life that don’t have a price tag – only felt deep in our hearts.

“After fifty years… everything you see will be no longer be, only other horses and carts and goods and people… Why are you so rushed and overburdened that you do not even have time to look at the sky?”
(Rabbi Abraham Chazan, Kochavei Ohr [Stars of Light], in the name of Rabbi Nachman of Breslov)


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קרדיט: חוה אלברשטיין



Year of Distribution:

Tashpah 2024-2025