What happens when you need to work together? The group of children in this book discover that it is not always easy. You have to address different views and conflicting desires, until the magic of teamwork gradually reveals itself. Ultimately, they learn to cooperate and contribute to the team while assuming responsibility. The children are delighted to come up with solutions, and remain good friends.
Age Group: Preschool (3-5)
Through wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established
(Proverbs 24:3)
A little advice for family reading
If you have read this story several times, you may want to encourage your children to try and “read” it to you in their own words. Recreating the story, with your help, contributes to their verbal abilities – allowing them to express themselves and enrich their vocabulary – while, most importantly, further enhancing your shared enjoyment of the book.
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140,800 עותקים לגנים הצעירים
Year of Distribution:
Tashpag 2022-2023