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Doctor Yoyo

By: Yael Gover Illustrations: Aya Gordon Noy

What did Guy need to get well? Grandma’s soup, grandpa’s tea, some rest, some medication, and lots of love! Every member of his family tried to do something, even his good friend, Yoyo the dog. And each of them helped in their own special way.

Age Group: Daycare (2-3)

Visiting the sick

Being sick is part of life, and when it gets colder out, illnesses “visit” most homes. When we get a fever, we stop our routine activities, wanting only to curl up. We leave our friends and work behind, and can sometimes feel bored and lonely,

Visiting the sick is a mitzvah “שאין לה שיעור”, that cannot be measured, or is limitless (Tractate of Nedarim, 39b). Every patient needs help to a different extent, and every visitor can be of assistance – even little children, or animals! Being a friend to someone who is sick, being kind to them or showering them with love and attention, improves their mood and helps them recover.


Enjoy reading this book together and may you always be healthy!

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כנרת זמורה

Year of Distribution:

Tashat 2018-2019