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Brownstripe the Bear

By: Shlomit Cohen-Assif Illustrations: Aviel Basil  

Wings, a long tail, antlers, even fins – the little bear Brownstripe wants them all!After numerous attempts to make himself like other creatures, Brownstripe's mother helps him go back to being himself.

“Who is rich? One who is happy with his lot” (PirkeiAvot 4:1)


Who doesn’t fantasize every now and then about being like somebody else? The famous saying from PirkeiAvotteaches that true wealth is not measured by status, money, or fancy possessions, but rather by our capacity to be content with and enjoy what we have. For young children, envy is a natural and common emotion; all children have dreams and desires. Sometimes, comparing ourselves to otherscan stimulate us tochange and improve. But one who constantly believes that“the grass is greener on the other side of the fence,”or who becomes fixatedwishing to be someone else, is likely to end up feeling frustrated and dissatisfied. The verse from the Mishnah (“Who is rich? One who is happy with his lot”) reminds us that our happiness depends on our capacity to make peace with who we are and to rejoice in what we have.

Age Group: Preschool (3-5)

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הקיבוץ המאוחד

Year of Distribution:

Tashad 2013-2014