דילוג לתוכן המרכזי בעמוד

Bear has a Story to Tell

By: Phillip C. Stead illustrations: Erin E. Stead

Just before hibernation begins, Bear has a story to tell his friends. But they are all getting ready for winter, and have no .time to listen to him


“To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven” (Ecclesiastes 3:1)

 Every activity has its most suitable time, and each occurrence in our world has its correct season, and precise timing. Bear understands why his friends are not able to listen to his story while preparing for winter, and realizes this is exactly the right time to be a good friend. He identifies his friends’ needs, and lends a hand; helping them to find seeds, check the direction of the wind, and find a warm place to sleep. When spring arrives, Bear’s friends gather around him to hear him tell his story – but alas, he has forgotten it entirely! Bear’s friends seize this opportunity to help their caring friend, giving him an idea for a new story about year-round friendships.

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