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I Love Drawing

By: Mira Meir illustrations: Nahum Gutman

Most children’s books begin with a story written by the author, to which illustrations are then added by the illustrator. I Love Drawing is special in that it began with Nahum Gutman’s paintings, which inspired and led Mira Meir to write the poems. Here is her account of her meeting with Nahum Gutman:

Age Group: Second Grade

I was very excited, because I’ve loved his paintings and stories ever since I was a child. […] He asked me whether I would be willing to see his paintings, and perhaps have some idea about what I could do with them. […] I saw his wonderful paintings and suddenly felt they were speaking to me. I chose several of them and then wrote poems. It was fun to work with him. That was how I Love Drawing came about.
[Interview with Mira Meir, Daf Daf website)

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נחום גוטמן היה צייר, פסל וסופר ישראלי, שהיטיב לתאר את נופי ילדותו ותחנות חייו ביצירות שובות לב. בואו נצא למסע אל חייו של נחום גוטמן. כל היצירות הן מאוסף מוזאון נחום גוטמן, ששוכן ב”בית הסופרים” בשכונת נווה צדק שבתל-אביב.

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