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A Treasury of Hebrew Legends for Children

By: Shoham Smit illustrations: Vali Mintzi

Age Group: Second Grade

Book-Related Family Activities

“The deeds of the fathers are signs to the children”

The stories of Hazal, Our Rabbis, have accompanied the Jewish people for generations. Through them we come to know exemplary people from Jewish heritage, their lifestyles, and the challenges and difficulties they faced. The stories address issues of morality, religion, society, and education that have occupied the minds of all, anywhere, at any time, even in the 21st century.

We hope that your acquaintance with these legends will prompt you to reflect and discuss the issues they address. Enjoy!

Book-Related Video

Copies Distributed:

40,000 | 1,500



Year of Distribution:

Tashaz 2016-2017, Tashad 2013-2014