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By: Mira Meir Illustrations: Yiftah Alon

Young children love splashing in puddles, dancing in the mud, and playing hide and seek. Sometimes they include their imaginary friends who are an integral part of their lives; and when they vanish, their hearts are filled with grief. Mira Meir suggests that we, adults, join our children and see the world from their perspective. Listen to them, share their excitement and joy, and, whenever necessary, offer consolation and cheer them up, as the bible says:

Age Group: Preschool (4-6)

Train up a child in the way they should go

[Proverbs 22:6]

Mira Meir (1932–2016) – Israeli children’s book authoress, poetess, translator and editor. Meir wrote many well-known and loved children’s books and poems, among them Oren’s Turtle [Hatzav Shel Oren], I Love Drawing [Ani Ohev Letzayer] and Who and What Was It? [Mi Ze Haya Uma Ze Haya?]. Her creative work

won her numerous awards.

Book-Related Video

מה נמצא בשלולית? אנחנו נחליט! הצעה לפעילות יצירתית בעקבות הספר ״שלולי”, כתבה: מירה מאיר, אייר: יפתח אלון, הוצאת כתר

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