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It’s Challah Time!

By: Latifa Berry Kropf Illustrations: Photographed By Moshe Shai

On Friday, the children bake tasty challahs for Shabbat. Each boy and girl has a task: to pour, to stir, to knead, or to cover the dough. The breads go into the oven with a lot of teamwork and joy, and the smell is fantastic!  

Age Group: Daycare (2-3)

We are all together,
Shabbat is coming soon, and everyone at day care is excited: The toddlers are taking part in preparing Kabbalat Shabbat. Making challah gives us opportunities for cooperation: mixing and kneading the dough, and then waiting patiently and discovering how flour, oil, and water can be combined to create a new, scentful, delicious, and delightful creation. No less importantly – one that the toddlers had made themselves!

Call Shabbat a delight
[Isaiah 58:13]

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מה עומד מאחורי ההצעות לפעילות בחיק המשפחה שבספרי ספריית פיג’מה?

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