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A Gift of Snow

By: Maria Givner Illustrations: Alona Millgram

Do you have any special childhood memories? Can you still taste your grandmother’s meatballs? Do you remember the smell of rain, or the voice of your parents as they read you a bedtime story? Alicia’s mother can remember the snow that covered her childhood landscape, and she misses it. Alicia is not sure whether she even understands what snow is, but she can relate to her mother’s longing for the faraway land from which she immigrated to Israel, and knows exactly how to make her happy on her birthday.

Age Group: First Grade

“Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, unto the land that I will show thee” (Genesis 12:1)

Many families came to Israel from afar. Just like Alicia’s mother, these Olim (immigrants) are happy with the new life they have built for themselves, but also miss their countries of origin.

Author Maria Givner, herself an immigrant, asks readers to look with love upon those who were not born here, and recognize their sense of foreignness and longing for other landscapes. Understanding how they feel is the best gift we can give Olim, no matter how long ago they made Aliyah.

Enjoy reading and discussing this book together!

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סרטון הדרכה – איך מכינים צנצנת שלג עם תמונות בני המשפחה?

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ידיעות ספרים

Year of Distribution:

Tashat 2018-2019