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It's Mine

By: Ran Cohen Harounoff Illustrations: Ran Cohen Harounoff

In It's Mine we set out on an adventure and meet a rabbit that lost its carrot, a princess looking for her frog, a clown who has misplaced his balloon, and a little boy who seeks to return a ball to its rightful owner. The end of the journey is one final discovery, in the form of a new friend.

Age Group: Preschool (4-6)

Book-Related Family Activities

Hashavat Aveida – Returning Lost Objects

“… every lost thing of your brother’s, which he had lost, and you have found, you may not ignore…” (Deuteronomy, 22:3)

“I can’t find my shoes…”

“I lost my lunchbox in kindergarten…”

“I found a ball on the street…”

Lost and found objects are part of daily life, particularly among children.

Returning a lost object to its owner is a demonstration of personal integrity, concern for others, and respect for their property. It may be difficult to let go of the object found, or find the person who lost it, but the Torah tells us it should never be ignored, and that we must make an effort to return it to its rightful owner.


Book-Related Video

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Year of Distribution:

Tashaz 2016-2017