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Shafan (Hyrax)

By: Gilad Soffer Illustrations: Gilad Soffer

"Maybe everyone's right and I'm wrong? Maybe I really am a hyrax?" wonders the rabbit. Do we like the names we are called? Like the hyrax, are we sometimes confused us with others, and get called the wrong name? This is an amusing, creative story about names and identities.

Age Group: Second Grade

“And man gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the skies, and to every beast of the field” (Genesis, 2:20)

The bible tells us that Adam gave names to all the animals, each with its own meaning and essence. Since the times of Genesis, naming was a basic human characteristic, expressing our connection with our surroundings. By giving accurate names we attribute importance and meaning to the various things around us. In Shafan, the Hebrew word for hyrax, which is often given to rabbits in common confusion between the two species, the rabbit attempts to retrieve his lost name. Does he feel that being referred to as “Shafan” is a result of confusion or belittling? And why do people continue to make the same mistake over and over again?


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עם עובד

Year of Distribution:

Tashach 2017-2018