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King David and the Spider

By: Ephraim Sidon Illustrations: Danny Kerman

We often look at the wonderful world around us and wonder: "What is the use of such a wide range of creatures?" The story about King David and the Spider focuses on this very question! It is based on a tale found in the book entitled The Alphabet of Ben Sirach, first printed in Constantinople in 1500, as well as in the collection of stories by Hayim Nahman Bialik entitled Vayehi Hayom.

Age Group: Preschool (4-6)

“… for there is no man who has not his hour, and no thing that has not its place” (Ethics of the Fathers, 4:3)

“Every creature is of use” – even the smallest. Each creature is unique, and has its own wonderful skills, a special contribution it alone can make to the world.

Sometimes we need to remind children that they too can contribute and help. Their presence and talents are special and essential, “every creature is of use”, and children are certainly very useful. We should encourage them to believe in their capabilities, and their ability to contribute to their home, family, and indeed society.

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Tashaz 2016-2017