דילוג לתוכן המרכזי בעמוד

Why is the Zebra Wearing Pajamas?

By: Ayin Hillel illustrations: Aviel Basil

The story about the zebra provides us with an opportunity to talk about what makes Shabbat so special. You could ask your toddlers what they like to do on Shabbat, and share your favorite things with them.


It sat and thought and thought and though and though and thought until Shabbat ended
[Ayin Hillel, Why is the Zebra Wearing Pajamas?]

Why is the Zebra Wearing Pajamas? is one of Ayin Hillel’s numerous poems. This amusing verse has been set to music, and generations of children have enjoyed singing about the loveable zebra.

Suggestions for Family Activities

A discussion on our Shabbat

“Soon the good Shabbat will descend upon us”
[Shabbat, Shmuel Bass]

Book-Related Video

באדיבות הופ! ילדות ישראלית – שירי הילדות המוכרים והאהובים בהשתתפות אלי גורנשטיין מיקי קם וילדים בשילוב אנימציה מקסימה. מילים: ע. הלל.

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